Three minor epiphanies of the week

1. Some dogs don’t mix well with stuffed animals.

Elmo is shocked at his injury but has managed to keep a stiff upper lip.
Elmo has managed to keep a stiff upper lip in the face of his injury.

2. Simply hoping can make gardening dreams come true.

I've admired the wild iris along our country road ever since we moved here seven years ago. This spring one finally appeared in our yard.
I’ve admired the wild iris along our country road ever since we moved here seven years ago. One finally appeared in our yard this spring.

3. I hold onto strange items. For years.


What are you holding onto? Feel free to confess it — leave a reply — below.

2 thoughts on “Three minor epiphanies of the week

  1. Being a gardener myself, I love #2! It actually reminds me of my own gardening wish recently granted. For several years, I’d been trying to cultivate anise hyssop, a licorice-scented flower known to attract butterflies. I probably bought at least five different plants, put them at different spots in the garden, and every one of them died. Then just last year I bought a new house. My first summer there, I noticed, at the edge of the woods that form the back of the property, an enormous stand of wild anise hyssop. We’ve got plenty of butterflies, and I even drink some licorice tea now and again!

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