On going fallow

If my brain were a landscape, this would be it:

many narrow fields

Narrow rectangular fields of this and that, vegetables, herbs, fruits and roots, some lush with growth, others not yet planted, still others somewhere in between.

My writing brain is planted with patches of emails, text messages, webpages, and posts for my e-newsletter, blog, Facebook-personal, Facebook-writer, Instagram-personal and Instagram-writer accounts. Then there are those mostly neglected plots of Twitter, LinkedIn, Goodreads, YouTube and files for that envisioned future book.

For a while now I’ve been regularly planting these plots and patches with thoughts on writing, yoga, teaching and coaching writing and yoga, moving to Minnesota, intentional eating, parenting, faith, Leo—topics ebbing and flowing, depending on the season. From social media, I’ve been gleaning ideas and inspiration. So … many … ideas.

This morning, in that brain-stilled moment when I was wrapping up my yoga and devotional practice, all I could think is, “I need to go fallow.”

Fallow? Merriam-Webster defines fallow (in part) as “the tilling of land without sowing it for a season.”

And there it is. I’ve tilled a lot of fields, and now I’m going to let them be. I am stepping away, both in terms of planting and gleaning. For a season. Whatever that means.

You can still find me in my e-newsletter (“The Same Loon”) and on my blog (right here) … and I might pop up elsewhere (like a weed?) if something big happens.

I trust my people will let me know when big things happen for them too.

Now I’m going to take a deep breath and let the rest of it be.

broad open fallow field, blue sky and soft clouds

Many narrow fields image (Vietnam) by Rod Long on Unsplash

Wide open spaces image by Gianni Crestani from Pixabay 

string of pearls

Write your memories

I’ll help you — check out my coaching & classes.

The Same Loon

Twice a month e-newsletter on writing and life …

Moving home

Posts on resuming a Minnesota life after 19 years in Washington

A memoir of Japan

Sometimes you have to run far, far away to find your way home.

Pearl beads image by TheAnnAnn from Pixabay

2 thoughts on “On going fallow

  1. Sarah, enjoy the time to refresh and recharge. While I have always liked your email posts, I especially liked the analogy in the latest post. May you have a wonderful spring and summer basking in the delights of nature.
    My best,
    Tim Ilse
    PS I met you briefly when you were helping your parents move back to the Midwest from Green Valley.

    1. Thank you, Tim — great to hear from you. I appreciate your good wishes! We do miss our visits to Green Valley. I hope you’re enjoying it for us.

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